Monday, August 2, 2010
Anyone that has a story and would like to post it on this blog, just email it to me and I promise I will get it on here word for word! I would love to here your stories and please know that by sharing your pain it somehow divides it and makes it a little bit easier to carry. You are NOT alone!!!
Love to all,
Thank you also for sending me home with some treasures, a cuttle bug (which is loved), a circle and oval cutter and a cutter with multiple blades! Imaginisce is SO good to us! Girls, we need to get together soon and play with our toys!
founder of Mothers Of Angels
Sunday, May 23, 2010
founder-Mothers of Angels
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sharing our Stories
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Video Story
We decided to make a video with pics of our kids, some layouts and some pic of us at our scrapbook things to the song "I Believe" by Diamond Rio. The pianist (Dan Truman) is from St. George, Utah...his brother-in-law built my house and he has given me permission to use it for whatever we want. It's an incredibly beautiful song but it makes you cry. Thank you Diamond Rio for helping make this video even more perfect and Colleen for creating the video for us to share.
Marcie's Story

Colleen's Story

I was never a scrapbooker. Some other bereaved mothers introduced me to the idea. I thought it couldn't hurt. My first experience was an incredibly healing one. I was able do do something with those funeral pictures that I had no idea what to do with. No one wants to see pictures on your wall of your son in a casket. But in a scrapbook, in a beautiful layout, with beautiful paper, it becomes...beautiful. A beautiful memory that I can share with others without being offensive. Many tears have been shed making and looking at these pages.
When I work on these pages, I get to share the stories and experiences of my beautiful child with other mothers that know my grief and love me unconditionally. It is very therapeutic.
Thank you for listening to my story.
Colleen Terrill
Shannon's Story
Stephanie's Story
Hello, my name is Stephanie Millett. A year ago, on March 4, 2009, I found my 16-year-old son, Matthew, hung in his bedroom closet and my world collapsed. Since then, I have been searching for ways to carry on with life for myself and my two teenage boys, now ages 13 and 16. It is a daily struggle to grasp any reason to face a day without my son. No one understands this struggle like the women I have found in a group of mothers, like me, who have lost children in all different ways, but we share a bond that none of us chose--the loss of our precious children.
I have never scrapbooked. I have thought about it. I have a large box of pictures I search through occasionally when I know I need to cry and let the pain out or it will explode inside me. The opportunity to organize these photos in a beautiful way that would bring me peace would be a blessing that words could not describe, so that when those moments come that I need to look back because I don’t think I can go forward anymore, being able to look at a scrapbook that I have put my time and love into would be such a more peaceful experience than searching through a box of pictures.
Thank you for your kindness and compassion for a group of broken women searching for a way to express our love for the children we miss dearly and a way for us to channel our pain into something to bring us peace.
Stephanie Millett
Lora's Story
Amy's Story
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Mary's Story
Thank you for providing a creative way to preserve memories of loved ones through scrapbooking; especially for children who have passed away.
As children leave our lives, the memories become more cherished and it is through the pages of scrapbooking that parents find solace and comfort.
I always look forward to preserving my son's memories in our scrapbooking circle. It is time of reflection filled with tears, laughter and most of all beautiful pages that keep my son's memory alive.
Mary Swensen
Carma's Story
Thanks, Carma