Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day

Today was a day that is especially hard for those of us that have lost our dear children for the time being. Even though we may have other children, no matter what, you cannot replace a child. Each of our children hold a special place in our hearts. Compassionate friends got together on Friday night and had a dinner and made candles to light for their children that have departed. The secret of getting through this cloud of darkness is to stick together! That is what Mothers of Angels and Compassionate friends is all about! Sticking together! It is so much easier than trying to go it alone! I am so grateful that scrapbooking is such a great way to keep and treasure our sweet memories forever! No matter who you are or where you are, remember, you are not alone! I truly believe our children are watching out for us and would wrap their arms around us if they could! How I miss those big bear hugs from my Zachary and his squishy kisses! Even though he was 15 when he left me, he always hugged and kissed me goodbye. Those memories are priceless and I have taken a picture in my mind of them. I am positive that all of you have had the same experiences. Today I am especially grateful for everyone that has donated or continues to donate to our cause. If only I could find the words to express my appreciation to all of you! I found this quote that I absolutely love and I feel like it very much applies to our individual situations.

If ever there is a tomorrow when we're not together...there is something you must always remember! You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think! But the MOST important thing is, even is we're apart, I'll ALWAYS be with you! ........Christoper Robin

I hope that we can always remember that our priceless children are only a breath away and love us dearly. I believe they watch over us much more than we know. Another day has passed and we all made it through it. I hope you have all taken pictures to scrapbook so you can look back at previous Mothers Days and know that "Because we have someone in Heaven, there is a little bit of Heaven in our home!

Love to all of you!
Marcie-founder of Mothers of Angels